Nyakim Gatwech, a stunning 24-year-old South Sudanese model, has continued to encourage black women to love their dark skin – Using her own photos as a source of inspiration, Gatwech wants women to embrace their skin – She recently released new sets of beautiful photos Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech has released a new set of beautiful photos. The photos show her posing in different colorful backgrounds. Gatwech became famous when photos showing her luscious dark skin went viral on the internet. Many couldn’t believe she was comfortable with the way she looked. Not only did she reveal she was perfectly okay with the way she looked, she also revealed that she had been offered large sums of money to bleach her skin. She refused all offers.
In one of her posts online, she wrote that: “Dear my moonshine dark skin, sun-kissed complexion, burn skin or whatever they might call you: You are beyond beautiful and the love I have for [you] is unconditional because you are me. You represent me and I represent you and let[‘s] show the world how beautiful and intelligent we are apart from just being dark skin[ned]. Because we are more than what this society think[s] of our dark skin let[‘s] stand up for those who can’t. Let’s speak up [for] those who can’t. And stay beautiful while doing it.”
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